
Tag: laboratory equipment

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29April 2020

We offer proved technology

tech²ART, a Danish-based private company, through it’s innovation technology strives to improve the outcome of assisted reproduction technology, the embryonic stem cell and cell culture technology at large. Our latest clinical trial proves tech²ART’s ability. The incuART, is the only advanced incubator platform that can maintain its designed environment enabling a real control of cells during incubation. The recent clinical evaluation verifies that the technology is “highly accurate and precise, both within run and between run”… Stability was evaluated during 3 and 4 days incubation of two different IVF media brands. As we all know, the culture environment

29April 2020

A technology for cultures safety

tech²ART proves itself by our ability to deliver. The company’s team has in-depth knowledge within the industry – as well a privileged access to distribution channels and leading industry scientists around the world. We have emerged from working in the industry because we have observed a clear lack among current suppliers to fully focus on the market needs and opportunities. tech²ART’s name represents the state-of-the-“ART” equipment and value proposition as well as the ART market segment. tech²ART’s business concept offers our customers a “Best in Class” experience when purchasing one of its products and/or services.

Dreams Aren’t Enough

As important as dreams are, they arent enough. Why? Dreams don’t take you where you want to go. A dream needs wings — to become a tangible vision — a passion that will take you where you REALLY want to be.

29April 2020

Type of products and services

tech²ART offers two types of products portfolio. The first one consists of equipment developed by our company and represents our main core competence. The second one consists of distributing 2nd party products and OEM’s in order to respond to the customer needs of a more complete solution to complete our market needs. Addressing these needs, with focus on the whole cell culture process, we offer our customers a comprehensive training and local support program. The aim of the training program is to build a bridge in between new technologies and biotechnologies, a gap that often leads to critical failures and an unwanted outcome.

Dreams Aren’t Enough

As important as dreams are, they aren’t enough. Why? Dreams don’t take you where you want to go. A dream needs wings — to become a tangible vision — a passion that will take you where you REALLY want to be.

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