Peroxyacetic Acid Low-temperature Sterilization Rapid Biological Indicator (0.5h)

Application of Rapid Biological Indicator: This product uses Thermophilic Fatty Bacillus spores (ATCC7953) as indicator bacteria, consisting of bacterial tablets, recovery medium (loaded in ampoules),

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Scientific Studies




Application of Rapid Biological Indicator:

This product uses Thermophilic Fatty Bacillus spores (ATCC7953) as indicator bacteria, consisting of bacterial tablets, recovery medium (loaded in ampoules), and a plastic shell. By detecting the activity of a-glucosidase and reflecting the survival of spores of thermophilic fatty acid bacteria, it is determined whether the low-temperature sterilization with peracetic acid is qualified. The rapid biological indicator can be used in conjunction with the corresponding biological reader to read the biological monitoring results of the sterilization process within 0.5 hours.

Usage method:

  1. According to the requirements, place this product in a low-temperature sterilization packaging bag with peracetic acid, and place the packaging bag in the most difficult sterilization position inside the sterilizer. Run the sterilization program.
  2. After sterilization, remove the biological indicators from the packaging bag. After confirming that the color of the chemical indicator on the label of the biological indicator has changed from blue to red, let the biological indicator cool to room temperature, press down on the indicator cover to close the side vent hole of the cover, use a dedicated card slot on the reader to squeeze the plastic tube of the indicator, break the ampoule bottle inside the plastic tube, confirm that the bacterial tablet is completely in contact with the culture medium, and insert it into the high-speed reader for cultivation.
  3. At the same time, take another unsterilized biological indicator of the same batch number and crush the ampoule bottle according to the previous method, and use it as a positive control for cultivation under the same conditions.
  4. For the biological indicators for culture detection, the culture medium ampoule bottle should be broken and placed in a reader for cultivation within 2 minutes.
  5. The detection time of this product in the high-speed reader is 0.5 hours. If it is necessary to observe the color change of the recovery medium, it needs to be cultured in the incubator for 24 hours.

Result determination:



Qualified: For indicators after sterilization, fluorescence negative (green light or -)

Unqualified: For indicators after sterilization, fluorescence is positive (red light or +)

The above two results are only valid for this biological monitoring if the positive control shows fluorescence positive results.